About Us
Born from a desire to supply our own cleaning and restoration businesses, Mojave Supply has grown into so much more than simply providing you with access to the cleaning and restoration industry’s best equipment. We’ve taken our more than 40 years of combined experience and put it to work solving your toughest problems. Ensuring your clients always receive the very best!
When we started Mojave in 2005, our own cleaning and restoration businesses were in full swing. More than anything, we needed a reliable source of equipment to maintain our growth. Thinking back, however, the saying “you don’t know what you don’t know” comes to mind. Sure, our businesses were growing well. But being in the middle of it, you aren’t able to see the forest for the trees!
Fifteen years older, and hopefully at least a little wiser, we are approaching Mojave Supply with a completely different perspective. Through growth, both personally and professionally, the trees have come into focus with greater detail. We are striving to make Mojave the kind of company that we could have used in those early days.
So, what can you expect?
- Of course, we’re still going to provide you with the industry’s best equipment, at the most competitive prices.
- More than that, we want to partner with you on every aspect of your business. Our desire is to pass along our hard-fought knowledge, so you don’t have to learn the hard way. Through our Resources page, we will bring you a library of general and industry specific business advice.
- Lastly, we want our communication with you to be a conversation. Whenever you have questions, use our “Resources” page to send it over to our team. Want to go deeper? We will schedule a limited number of free deep-dive sessions each year to help you identify your business’s strengths and weaknesses. Armed with that knowledge, we’ll help you put together a plan to maximize your business’s growth.
Thank you, and we look forward to working with you for many years to come!
– Ryan